South Regional Qualifier


Here is your agenda for the day.

Please engage in the plenary sessions to learn from & meet with the cyber professionals attending on the day.

If you need any assistance, find one of our organising team with the purple lanyards.

Briefing Schedule.

The Briefing Rounds will run as follows:

  • Your team will wait outside the Briefing room until you are invited in.

  • The timekeeper will then read instructions of how the round will run.

  • The judging panel will have 2-minutes to read your Briefing Note.

  • You will present your Brief for up to 10-minutes.

  • You will receive 10 minutes of Q&A from the judges about your Briefing & Briefing Note.

  • Your team will leave the room for 5-minutes to allow the judges to record their scores.

  • Your team will receive 10 minutes of feedback from the judges.

Get posting!

Keep up to date with all of the Regional Qualifiers on our UK CLC LinkedIn & Instagram accounts.

Share your experience of the event using #ukclc and our competitor social media pack.